Hi, I'm
Christopher Rempe


I am a recent Computer Science graduate from Western Washington University, a Business Owner, and an amateur Photographer. When I'm not buried in my computer, you'll find me riding on my OneWheel, finding beautiful places to take a hike, or just hanging out with friends.



pfproulette is a small project to help users find their next profile picture. The site will randomly select a photo from a list and let's the user download it for their use.


UW Web Dev Certificate

A portfolio site for the UW HTML, CSS & JavaScript certificate program I am currently taking.



Started in 2015 by Cameron Ingham, Byron Liss, and myself to create new and intresting projects. From small websites like ismyinternet.live to our flagship app Wi-Fi Connect, we make what we want to make.


Wi-Fi Connect

Wi-Fi Connect is the first app that changes the way we connect to Wi-Fi for the better. Forget sharing passwords! Let your friends connect to Wi-Fi designed for the 21st century.


Previous Sites

This is an archive of the past versions of this site. I wanted to keep them around to keep track of my website building journey.

Pfp roulette logo
University of Washington's Logo
Astranno Rocket Logo
Wi-Fi Connect's light blue logo
My personal icons